The project involves upgrading about 24 kilometres of the Tasman Highway from just south of St Patricks River to Minstone Road, Scottsdale.
The project aims to improve safety and the current road alignment by widening the road, sealing the road shoulders and providing passing opportunities. It will improve:
In addition to the obvious benefits to residents of the North East through improved road infrastructure, this project will be the most significant inter-generational investment in the region to date unlocking the potential of the North East, leveraging off the significant investment in irrigation schemes in the region. The project will also provide significant benefit to the City of Launceston by taking the North East freight off the northern outlet and out of Bathurst and Patterson Streets and will provide an improved access route through to the east coast via the Dorset municipality.
The $120 million-upgrade is being jointly funded by the Australian and Tasmania Governments.
This project is being delivered in stages.
Stage 1, Section 1: Whish-Wilson Road intersection to Sideling Lookout intersection: Commenced August 2022. Complete.
Stage 1, Section 2.: Whish-Wilson Road intersection to Minstone Road intersection: Tender due late 2024, construction to commence 2025 and be completed by 2026.
Stage 2: Sideling Lookout intersection to St Patricks Bridge: Design options progressing - community feedback due to open late 2024.
For further information on the project please contact Stakeholder Engagement Consultant, Lucy Bennett on 0408 074 592 or email
Updated June 2024
Project Status
Stage 1, Section 2 Commenced (early 2025)
Stage 1, Section 2 Complete (mid 2026)
Stage 2 Commenced
Stage 2 Complete
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