Dorset Council’s social media pages exists to provide information on Council initiatives, events, programs and news. It is used as an important tool for Council to actively engage with the community, serving as a place for discussion, enquiries and an active exchange of ideas. It is expected that user contributions will be done in a respectful manner and will not indulge in personal attacks.
We ask that when contributing your views to Dorset Council social media pages, you ensure that you:
If you don’t adhere to the above, we will moderate and potentially remove your comment.
Violations of the terms of use may cause the user to be banned. While Dorset Council monitor our social media channels closely, we do not moderate 24/7 and as a result some commenting functions may be turned off or comments restricted. For further information on Council use of social media, please view Council Policy No. 44 – Social Media, available on Council’s website
For the most prompt response we still encourage individuals to contact Council on (03) 6352 6500 for specific enquiries.