Every day choices can make the difference in how much waste you and your household create and in turn the impact that has on the wider community. The less waste we cart to landfill the more money and resources there are available for community services and facilities.
See below for some useful hints and tips on ways to reduce waste at home, work or around the communty
Municipal waste is made up of around 50% food and organics - that equates to tonnes of wasted resources that could be composted back as much needed nutrients for our soils.
Reduce food waste by:
Composting!! The benefits of composting are well documented. There are options available for even the smallest unit or residence.
Check out Garden Australia"s Clever Composting for some great ideas on how to get started, or Managing Compost for some troubleshooting once established.
Factsheet: Rethink Wastes Home Composting
Other options for food waste include:
Worm Farms: Worms are a fun and low maintenance solution to food waste - Tips for Successful Backyard Worm Farms
Chickens: Chickens are a little more work but reward you with delicious fresh eggs in exchange for your kitchen scraps. - See the RSPCA's Poultry Factsheets and DPIPWE's guide to Backyard Poultry for Hobby Farmers for more information on chicken keeping.
ShareWaste: A free and growing community platform that connects people who wish to recycle their kitchen scraps with their neighbours who are already composting, worm-farming or keeping chickens. Now you can divert waste from landfill while getting to know the people around you! Check it out here.
Public Fruit Tree Map: A global map of all known fruit trees on public land. Easy to add new trees to when you come across them as well.
Buy Smart: Try to only buy what you need to avoid wasted food. Make a weekly meal plan and shopping list and stick to it.
Reduce general waste by:
Buy in bulk: Save on money and packaging.
Take your own: Take your own shopping bags or use a cardboard box when you do your shopping (If you are using a 'green bag' remember they can be recycled in the soft plastics bin as part of the REDcycle program. Better still - avoid the waste and use a calico or cotton bag that can be composted at the end of it's life).
If you are eating on the go take your own cutlery and reusable coffee mugs when you head out. Some cafes even offer discounts if you bring a reusable mug.
Choose alternatives: Choose quality reusable, refillable or recyclable products that will last or can be repaired over cheap, single use ones. Choose products with minimal or no packaging.
No junk mail: Place a No Advertising Material sticker on your letter box. The stickers are available free of charge from the Distribution Standards Board. Head here for more information.
Reduce food waste by:
Analyse what's being wasted: Where is the food waste coming from - during preparation, storage or from customers plates?
An information guide created for NSW's Love Food Hate Waste Campaign gives some great ideas and strategies to combat food waste in food businesses and is well worth a read.
Factsheet: Rethink Waste's - Business tips for better waste management
Factsheet: Waste Management tips for business
Factsheet: Managing waste in the commercial and industry sector
Factsheet: Managing waste in the construction and demolition sector
A well managed compost is also an option for workplaces that have access to a garden. See handy composting tips under Around the Home.
Reduce general waste by:
Provide alternatives: Bamboo/Paper/Stainless steel straws instead of plastic, bamboo cutlery and containers over plastic and reusable coffee cups.
Think sustainably: Use recycled paper and always think before you print. Where unavoidable, print and photocopy double sided.
Recycle Station: Set up your lunch room with a recycling station - Garbage, Recycling, Soft Plastics and Organics can all be collected easily. Printer toner cartridges can also be collected for recycling through Planetark.
EWaste: Collect your electronic waste and dispose of it at either Scottsdale or Branxholm Waste Transfer Station.
Resources: A Guide to Eliminating Single Use Plastics for Food Vendors
Schools: Better waste management at schools
Schools: Dorset Council may be able to offer FREE Recycling Workshops to interested schools. Limited availability.
Events: A Guide to Preparing an Event Waste Management Plan
Events: Event Recycling Factsheet
Events: Plastic Free Event Guidelines
Other Resouces
Check our our Living Sustainably page for great tips on ways to reduce your overall footprint and live a little greener.
Tasmanian Container Refund Scheme - Recycle Rewards - keep up to date on the latest information associated with the scheme's rollout
Tasmanian Waste Action Plan - keep up to date on the latest information and the impacts to households and businesses
National Plastics Plan 2021 - Australia's approach to increase plastic recycling, finding alternatives to unnecessary plastics and reducing the impact of plastic on the environment.
National Food Waste Strategy - Australia's goal is to halve food waste by 2030. Keep up to date on all the related information
Guide to Handling, Disposing and Recycling Asbestos - the best way to handle, dispose of and recycle asbestos