Much of the Dorset Municipality is not connected to a reticulated sewerage system. Where this is the case all wastewater must be received by an on-site wastewater management system that treats wastewater and then disposes of it into a land application area or a re-use system on the property.
The Building Act 2016 requires approval to be obtained for the installation of an on-site wastewater management system. This also includes upgrades to existing systems, a change in capacity of a system or increased loading on an existing system due to a property extension/alterations that add habitable rooms. You will be required to apply for a plumbing permit and your application must be accompanied by a site specific design report from a suitably qualified person.
A plumbing permit is required for any design and connection of on-site water management systems, including septic tanks, aerated wastewater treatment systems (AWTS), waterless composting toilets and hybrid systems.
To access our on-site wastewater management system information package please see below.
Council's Environmental Health Officer undertakes regular water sampling at popular swimming locations from the beginning of the swimming season in December through to the end of March each year to ensure the water quality is suitable for recreational use. Relevant signage will be erected on site if the water quality is found to be unsuitable and warnings issued on Council's website.
Public swimming pools and spa pools are regulated under the Recreational Water Quality Guidelines 2007 which requires owners to regularly test for microbiological quality and chemical parameters, and maintain records of water quality information.
For all wastewater management or recreational water monitoring issues, click below
Have a question relating to your TasWater connection, need to report a fault or have a general enquiry? Did you know you can complete an online feedback form via the TasWater website - see links below: