The Dorset Council conducts Australian Citizenship Ceremonies on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs - Immigration and Citizenship
The Council's role is to provide a ceremony where conferees are required to pledge their allegiance to Australia and its laws, and after which they receive their Certificate of Australian Citizenship. The presentation of a Citizenship Certificate is the final step to becoming an Australian Citizen.
Once you have received notification from the Department of Home Affairs - Immigration and Citizenship, Council will contact you to make arrangements for the next available ceremony.
The official ceremony is very brief and family and guests are welcome to attend. An electoral form is also completed at the ceremony, so that the names of new citizens can be added to the Electoral Roll in preparation for upcoming elections.
The Council may be able to arrange a private ceremony when a citizenship is required urgently or is specifically requested by the recipient. However, the recipient must provide a valid reason why a public ceremony is not appropriate. A private ceremony is held on a date and time mutually convenient to the recipient and the Presiding Officer, which is usually the Mayor or General Manager.
More information can be found on the Department of Home Affairs - Immigration and Citizenship website and you can view more information about what to expect at the citizenship test interview and resources to assist clients study for their citizenship test.