Living in Dorset

Dorset Council provides community services based on the principles of quality, equity, value and responsiveness.

Visiting Dorset

Dorset has a unique blend of wilderness, wildlife, stunning scenery, mining heritage, secluded beaches and world class golf courses.

Contact us

  • Phone (03) 6352 6500
  • Fax (03) 6352 6509
  •  After Hours: 1300 858 824

Business community in Dorset

Dorset Council is focused on providing support to potential investors to facilitate sustainable developments large and small.

Contact us

  • Phone (03) 6352 6500
  • Fax (03) 6352 6509
  • After Hours 1300 858 824
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Are you planning a public event? You may require particular permits and/or licences from Dorset Council.

Are you planning on.....You may need a.....
...applying for funding? ...Letter of Support
...having tents, marquees, gazebos or other structures?...Temporary Occupancy Permit
...using a Council managed facility or space?...Facility Hire Application
...closing a street?...Application for Street Closure
...having food at the event?...Food Registration and Food Registration Notification (see below)
...having more than 1000 present for 2 hours or more?...Place of Assembly - Mass Outdoor Event Application Form

(required for any mass outdoor public event. This may be any performance, exhibition, circus, festival, food festival, pageant, regatta, sports event, dance or publicly advertised lecture.)

...installing promotional signage...Permit for Works on Council Land, facilities and/or assets (see Other Permits/Licenses below)

For more information please contact the customer service team on 03 6352 6500.

Are you thinking of building on your property? You may require planning and building permits for works. Click on the links below for the relevant information.

Building & Plumbing
Planning & Subdivision

Do you have more than 2 dogs registered on your property? If you do, then you will need to apply for a Kennel Licence. An information pack is provided below for your assistance.

Kennel Licence Information Pack

The purpose of this application is for Dorset Council to provide approval for works to be undertaken in the road reservation, if they impact Dorset Council assets or involve public safety.

Application for Permit to Carry Out Works in a Road Reserve

Dorset contains many State Government owned / maintained roads such as the Tasman Highway (from Launceston through to St Helens, including King Street, Scottsdale), George Street, Scottsdale, Bridport Road (Bridport to Scottsdale and Bridport to George Town) and Waterhouse Road. For information on State owned / maintained roads or to report a road hazard or issue, please visit the Department of State Growth - Transport Services website here. Alternatively, you can call 1300 139 933 and will be directed to one of the following options:

  • IVR1 – Traffic Signals faults and questions.
  • IVR2 – Report an emergency or hazard about a road or bridge or a maintenance issue with a road or bridge.
  • IVR3 – Enquiries that are not about traffic signals, road or bridge maintenance, emergencies or hazards.

Council’s Environmental Health Officer regulates food safety in the community by assessing food premises building plans and applications, conducting food business inspections, and providing information and advice to operators. Food businesses (including mobile food businesses, temporary food stalls, home-based businesses and charitable/community organisations) that sell, handle or produce food are required to notify and/or register with Council depending on their food handling activities.

Food Business Application Form - Notification, registration, or renewal of a fixed, mobile or temporary food business can be done using this form.

Guide to food premises – What you need to know - Before you embark on a food business venture, check out this guide and contact Council’s Environmental Health Officer to discuss your proposal.

Guidelines for mobile food business - A mobile food business is a food business that operates from a mobile structure (e.g. vehicle, trailer, cart, tent, stall, etc.). You must notify and/or register a mobile food business with your ‘home Council’ which is the Council area where the equipment and materials for the food business are stored when not in use, or the garaged address for the mobile structure.

DoFoodSafely training for food handlers – This is a free, online training program provided by the Department of Health Victoria and supported by the Tasmanian Department of Health. You must read through the information in the seven topics, and then you will be ready to undertake the assessment quiz and gain your Certificate of Completion.

Food safety resources – The Tasmanian Department of Health has other helpful resources available on their website.

Food Safety Standard, 3.2.2A – Food Safety Management Tools

Food Safety Standard 3.2.2A comes into effect on December 8, 2023 and introduces some changes, including the requirement for most catering, service and retail food businesses handling unpackaged potentially hazardous foods to appoint a Food Safety Supervisor. More information can be found on the following websites:

Department of Health - Food Safety Supervisor

Food Safety Standards

Here are other licences and permits that you may require for various reasons:

Fencing Agreement - property that adjoins a Council reserve

Mobile Food Vendor Permit Application - Application for mobile food vendors to trade from the public street at Derby Park and Blue Derby Trailhead

Application for Permit for Works on Council Land, Facility and/or Asset - Application for parties who wish to conduct works in or/on a council building, in a park or other council land, or on an asset (includes proposed installation of signage).

Please contact the Dorset Council Works Depot on 03 6352 6510 if you are wishing to utilize a Private Works arrangement.