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Site 1: Major Upgrade - Children’s Reserve - Scottsdale

29 George Street, Scottsdale
The Children’s Reserve is the main playground in town and is a popular choice for birthday parties and play dates. This project will transform this park by replacing several of the main elements in the playground and creating a community hub/destination style playground that will provide multi use spaces for informal gatherings, relaxation and play. Elements that target various age groups, in particular infants and toddlers will be included to create a multi-generational space with a focus on open-ended play.

Site 2: Major Upgrade - Branxholm Park - Branxholm
1-7 Scott Street, Branxholm

Branxholm Park is situated adjacent to the Branxholm Camping Ground and Swimming Pool and is a popular spot for campers and locals alike. Upgrade to the BBQ’s at the park is planned in order to value add/complement this project which will see the upgrade of the main combination equipment piece.

Site 3: Minor Upgrade – Winnaleah Playground – Winnaleah
13 Main Street, Winnaleah

Winnaleah playground is centrally located in town and a popular place for locals. While catering well for school aged children and, to an extent, older children/teenagers the playground lacks key elements in making it a holistic play space for the community. This project will rectify this through provision of landscaping and additional play elements.

This project was initiated as a result of feedback and data collated as part of the Playground Facility Audit Report.

This project has been funded by the Open Spaces Grants Program ($200,000) and Dorset Council.

To provide feedback on the Playground Project please head here.

Updated July 2024

Project Status

✓ Project Commenced

Concept designs developed for each playground - 1 of 3 complete

Community Consultation


Project End - December 2024

Document Library

Winnaleah Park Concept Plan

Branxholm Park Concept Plan - Coming soon

Children's Reserve Concept Plan - Coming soon

Branxholm Park - Playground
Winnaleah Park - Playground
Children's Reserve - Playground