Council Meetings are held monthly and commence at 6.00 pm. As per recommended guidelines, if you are feeling unwell, please do not attend Council Meetings.
2024 Schedule of Ordinary Council Meetings
Monday 22 January (Council Chambers) | Monday 19 February (Gladstone Hall) |
Monday 18 March (Branxholm Hall) | Monday 22 April (Council Chambers) |
Monday 20 May (Council Chambers) | Monday 24 June (Council Chambers) |
Monday 22 July (Council Chambers) | Monday 19 August (Council Chambers) |
Monday 16 September (Council Chambers) | Monday 21 October (Bridport) |
Monday 18 November (Legerwood Hall) | Monday 16 December (Council Chambers) |
On 2 August 2023, the Minister for Local Government suspended all Dorset Councillors for the duration of the Board of Inquiry investigation. A Commissioner has been appointed to undertake all functions and powers of Council (Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors) during this period.
Council Meetings will continue to be held and there will continue to be opportunities for the community to ask questions about Council operations.
**The Director of Public Health announced on 16 September that the state's COVID-19 risk level had been reduced to 'low risk'. Due to this announcement, restrictions on attendance at Council Meetings has been relaxed, with no need to register to attend.
NOTICE is given that the next Ordinary Meeting of the Dorset Council will be held on Monday, 18 November 2024 at the Legerwood Hall, 9 Main Street, Legerwood commencing at 6:30pm.
A community drop in session will be held between 5-6 pm prior to the Council Meeting for any interested community members to come and speak with the Commissioner or Management Team in an informal environment.
If any member of the public is feeling unwell, please do not attend.
A recording of the Council Meeting, except for any part held in Closed Session, will be made available to the public as soon as practicable after the Meeting via Council’s website and social media.
Any member of the public attending the Council Meeting is to ensure that any mobile devices are switched to silent or off during the Meeting. No unauthorised filming or recording of the Meeting is allowed. Please also be aware of the meeting procedures and Council guidelines for asking public questions during question time or presenting a deputation - a copy of which can be viewed on this page below.
At the 21 November 2022 Council Meeting held in Bridport, Aunty Patsy Cameron AO presented a Welcome to Country. To read it in full, please click here.
At the 15 February 2021 Council Meeting held in Winnaleah, Aunty Patsy Cameron AO presented a Welcome to Country. To read it in full, please click here.
The agenda and attachments for Council Meetings are made available to
the public on the Wednesday evening prior to the scheduled Meeting. They can be
downloaded below or a hard copy can be collected from Council's friendly
Customer Service Team. To view both current and the last six (6) years
agendas and minutes, click on the links below.
Members of the public can ask questions or make a deputation (statement) at any Council Meeting. Policy 41 Council Meeting Procedures (see below) gives you guidelines and the process on how to make a deputation or to speak during public question time. You can also submit a question/s on notice to the General Manager seven (7) days prior to a Council Meeting. *This seven day period excludes the day the questions were submitted and the day of the Meeting. Deputations and Questions can be submitted any of the following ways and must include your name, where you live (i.e. Scottsdale), and an email address and/or contact phone number (your name and where you live will be included in the public agenda):
Emailed to: or
Posted to: PO Box 21, Scottsdale 7260 marked to the attention of the General Manager, or
Dropped into the Council Offices at 3 Ellenor Street, Scottsdale
Policy 41 - Council Meeting ProceduresElectors of the Dorset municipal area are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of Council for the 2023/24 financial year, to be held at the Legerwood Hall, 9 Main Street, Legerwood on Monday, 18 November 2024 commencing at 6:00 pm.
The agenda for the meeting includes the formal presentation of the 2023/24 Annual Report and the discussion of any related public submissions. Guidelines for the meeting will be in accordance with Policy 41 – Council Meeting Procedures.
Copies of the 2023/24 Annual Report are available by contacting the Council Office, 3 Ellenor Street, Scottsdale on 6352 6500 or can be downloaded from Council’s website below.
Members of the community are invited to make submissions on any aspect of the 2023/24 Annual Report. Written submissions are to be addressed to the General Manager, PO Box 21, Scottsdale 7260 or sent via email to and received no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 13 November 2024.
Electors may present motions (maximum of 2 per elector) at the Annual General Meeting and if passed, the resolution will be considered by Council at its next meeting.
The audio recording of the Council Meeting, except for any part held in Closed Session, will be made available to the public as soon as practicable after the meeting via Council's website and social media.
The audio from the past 3 Council Meetings can be accessed below. You can access historical Council Meeting audio on Council's SoundCloud profile below.
Dorset Council | SoundCloud ProfileCouncil Meeting - 21 October 2024 - Audio Recording
Special Council Meeting - 19 September 2024 - Audio Recording
Council Meeting - 16 September 2024 - Audio Recording