Dorset Council employs 70 full-time equivalent staff, at various sites throughout the Dorset municipality.
Council's Works & Infrastructure Team is located at depots situated in Scottsdale, Bridport and Derby. Click here to view the municipal area.
Dorset Council also employs cleaners and caretakers for our public amenities and halls, and has a Contractor for the Bridport Seaside Caravan Park.
Organisational Structure - July 2024Our Vision - An inclusive, thriving and connected community.
Leadership - We lead by example through our behaviours and approach to work. We are a proactive advocate for the community, and engage with the community in determining and driving a vision for Dorset
Creative Thinking - We foster a solution-driven environment that embraces innovation and inspires fresh approaches in adapting to, and creating, change
Customer Service - We meet our service standards in a professional and responsive manner
Engagement - We communicate openly and encourage the active participation of the community
Financially Responsible - We deliver services to the community in a sustainable and strategic cost effective way
Respect - We engage in open dialogue, whilst accepting there will be differences of opinion
The Customer Service Charter is in compliance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993 and outlines our commitment to customers in accordance with our mission statement and provides a formalised process for making complaints or requests. It outlines customers" rights, mutual expectations, the standards customers can expect when dealing with Council and what a customer can do if dissatisfied with Council decisions or actions. Dorset Council's Charter can be found here in our Policy Register - Policy No 18.