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  •  After Hours: 1300 858 824

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  • After Hours 1300 858 824

Posted 21 November 2023

Briefing of Decisions | 20 November 2023 Council Meeting

Council Meetings

For further information on any of these items, please contact Commissioner Andrew Wardlaw (0408 766 019) or General Manager, Mr John Marik (03 6352 6500).

Briefing of Decisions | 20 November 2023 Council Meeting

Briefing of Decisions made at the Council Meeting held on 20 November at the Bridport Multi-Function Centre

  • Held the Annual General Meeting and presented the 2022/23 Annual Report to the community.
  • Received and noted the unconfirmed Audit Panel Minutes, dated 24 October 2023 and Management Team Briefing Report.
  • Endorsed the Priority Projects Plan 2023-2025 and agreed to disseminate the Plan to relevant Australian and State Government representatives and departments, as well as industry stakeholders.
  • Agreed to join the Northern Tasmania Development Corporation on a trial membership from 1 December 2023 to 30 June 2024 with review of this membership to occur no later than 31 March 2024, and varied the 2023/24 Operational Budget Estimates by $26,000.
  • Acknowledged and noted correspondence received by Council and the Bridport Pier Working Group from Minister Michael Ferguson in relation to the State Government’s 2021 Bridport election commitment.
  • Acknowledged and noted correspondence from Minister Michael Ferguson and the Department of State Growth in relation to improving safety for resident crossings in Scottsdale, and agreed, subject to budget allocation, to work with Infrastructure Tasmania to find suitable locations and solutions that will improve pedestrian safety within the municipality.
  • Acknowledged and noted correspondence from Minister Jo Palmer which outlined Scalefish Fishery rules and management plan, and agreed to investigate and consider allocations during 2024/25 budget deliberations for suitable fish cleaning tables within the municipality.
  • Nominated Mr Michael Buckley: Director – Infrastructure, to be appointed as the Dorset Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator for a term of three years.
  • Received, noted and adopted the annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2023.
  • Received the quarterly financial report for the period ended 30 September 2023.
  • Noted the review of Council’s Audit Panel composition and tenure, with further discussions to be held with Council following the completion of the Board of Inquiry to determine any required changes.
  • Pursuant to Section 22 of the Local Government Act 1993, delegated powers and functions to the General Manager under the Land Titles Act 1980, Place Names Act 2020 and Traffic Act 1925, with conditions and restrictions, and received and noted the reviewed Master Delegation Register, version November 2023.
  • Adopted reviewed Policy No. 7 – Contribution to Boundary Fences with no amendments.
  • Adopted reviewed Policy No. 57 – Managed Grassland Fire Risk Abatement with no amendments.
  • Adopted reviewed and updated Policy No. 18 – Customer Service Charter.
  • Endorsed draft Policy No. 60 – Dealing with Unreasonable Customer Conduct for a community consultation period of 28 days.
  • Awarded Contract 2023/24-03 – Westwood Street, Bridport – Kerb and Stormwater Upgrade Stage 2 to a preferred tenderer, in the Closed Session portion of the Meeting.

The recording of the Annual General Meeting and Council Meeting be downloaded from these links:

Annual General Meeting –

Ordinary Council Meeting -