Kerbside Collection Calendars will be circulated with rates notices, and can also be downloaded below:
Derby, Herrick, Winnaleah, Pioneer, Gladstone & Tomahawk
Nabowla, Legerwood, Ringarooma & Branxholm
You can also request a handy fridge magnet version of the above from the Council Customer Service team on 03 6352 6500 or via
Mandatory Kerbside Collection Areas
Mandatory Kerbside Collection is available for all developed properties within the localities of Bridport, Scottsdale, Nabowla, Ringarooma, Legerwood, Branxholm, Winnaleah, Derby, Pioneer, Herrick, Gladstone and Tomahawk that are zoned as:
- General Residential
- Low Density Residential
- Rural Living
- Urban Mixed Use
- Village
- Local Business
- General Business; or
- Particular Purpose
To view the mandatory kerbside collection zones, click here.
Properties will be supplied with a standard set of 1 x medium -120L waste mobile garbage bin (MGB) and 1 x 240 L recycling MGB (waste bins are also available in small - 80L, and large - 240L). Additional bins may be requested - please note additional fees and charges apply.
Owners of vacant lots will not automatically receive a kerbside collection service, however can apply for a service by contacting Council.
Property owners with properties of any zoning who have road frontage on the prescribed kerbside collection route may be eligible to opt in for kerbside collection services.
Kerbside Collection Guidelines
To avoid interruption to your kerbside collection service, please ensure that you prepare for your collection days by:
- Placing your bins on the kerbside by 5.45am on the day of collection;
- Positioning bins with at least 1m between them;
- Positioning the wheels of the bin towards your property;
- Positioning your bin at least 1m away from overhanging branches or other obstructions
- Ensuring there are no contaminating items in your recycling bin (eg. plastic bags, clothing, garden waste etc.)
- Ensuring your bin is not overfilled (lid should be able to close) or overly heavy; and
- Contacting Council within 48 hours if your bin has not been collected.