Living in Dorset

Dorset Council provides community services based on the principles of quality, equity, value and responsiveness.

Visiting Dorset

Dorset has a unique blend of wilderness, wildlife, stunning scenery, mining heritage, secluded beaches and world class golf courses.

Contact us

  • Phone (03) 6352 6500
  • Fax (03) 6352 6509
  •  After Hours: 1300 858 824

Business community in Dorset

Dorset Council is focused on providing support to potential investors to facilitate sustainable developments large and small.

Contact us

  • Phone (03) 6352 6500
  • Fax (03) 6352 6509
  • After Hours 1300 858 824
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Application Details

Use this form if you are requesting a Letter of Support from Council for a project or initiative.
Please note: Allow minimum 5 business days

Project Details

Please note: you will need to apply for an Application for Permit for Works on Council Land, Facilities and/or Asset BEFORE undertaking any works.


I declare that all the information in this application is true and correct
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