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Background Information:

This project originated from a community petition in 2019 and has evolved over time following further discussions with the community. The project aims to continue working alongside local young people and families to ensure that the final plans are in line with community need.

The original concept was for a staged bike park facility for beginners and experienced riders alike to learn and develop their skills, abilities and confidence levels within a designated safe environment. It aimed to cater for the development of a wider range of skill sets and to include a range of features designed to develop various skills including bike handling, balancing, jumping and turning.

Stage One was to construct a jumps facility at North East Park followed by a Skills Development Area. A community consultation period was undertaken in September 2023 with the results outlined below.

Following on from this community consultation period the project scope was adjusted and stage one became the Skills Development Area with stage two to construct a pump/jump style track at a later date. Community feedback was for both to be located within the main town footprint.

We are now pleased to advise that Stage One – the skills development area will be making itself at home at the Children’s Reserve (Anzac Park). The facility will target younger riders and those learning to ride so they can develop their skills in a safe environment.

A huge thank you to all those who provided feedback and helped to shape this project!

Current Status:

Waiting for grass...

Official opening is set for Saturday 10th August from 11am to 1pm.

Opening event poster is attached below - come on down and check out the new track, have a chat and grab a sausage. Borys from Extreme Bicycle Stunts is coming down to show us his tricks and there will be prizes for the best costume on the day!

This project has been funded by the Premier's Fund for Children and Young People ($50,000), a generous community member donation ($30,000) and Dorset Council.

Stage Two of the project will be to build a pump/jump style track. Further funding will be required in order to complete this stage with a location yet to be confirmed.

Updated August 2024

Project Status

✓ Project Commenced

✓ Concept Plans

✓ Construction underway

Project end - June 2024

Document Library

Consultation Report

Concept Plan

Opening Event Poster - Open Day Saturday 10th August!

Before Photos Childrens Reserve Bike Track 1
Drone shot scottsdale bike track
Picnic table scottsdale bike track
Water Bubbler - Children's Reserve Bike Track