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  • After Hours 1300 858 824

Posted 22 October 2024

Briefing of Decisions | 21 October Council Meeting - Bridport

Council Meetings

For further information on any of these items, please contact Commissioner Andrew Wardlaw (0408 766 019) or General Manager, Mr John Marik (03 6352 6500).

Briefing of Decisions | 21 October Council Meeting - Bridport

Briefing of Decisions made at the Council Meeting held on 21 October at the Bridport Hall

  • Approved funding contributions under the Dorset Small Grants stream of the 2024/25 Community Grants Program to the Fingal Valley Neighbourhood House – funding a program within Dorset ($2,000), Scottsdale Lions Club Inc. ($2,000), Scottsdale and Community Mens Shed ($2,000), Lions Club of Bridport ($1,948) and Ringarooma Netball Club ($2,000).
  • Approved funding contributions under the Dorset Community Matching Fund Grants stream of the 2024/25 Community Grants Program to the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia Scottsdale ($5,000), Moorina Golf Club ($9,886) and Dorset Field and Game ($14,750).
  • Approved funding contributions under the Dorset Councillors Discretionary Grants stream of the 2024/25 Community Grants program to the North Scottsdale Hall Committee ($9,890) and the Dorset Tasmania History Society ($2,487).
  • Received, noted and adopted the audited financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2024.
  • Adopted reviewed Policy No. 43 – Cash Management.
  • Resolved to request the Commissioner for Transport reduce the speed limit along Main Street, Bridport (from number 75 to 121 Main Street) from 50 km/hr to 40 km/hr, and install a pedestrian wombat crossing treatment on Main Street, adjacent to the Henry Street junction.
  • Resolved to delegated specific powers and functions to the General Manager under the Strategic Infrastructure Corridors (Strategic and Recreational Use) Act 2016 and Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993, to the General Manager, revoked previous powers and functions and delegated revised functions and powers under Section 57(6) and (7) of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 to the General Manager, Director – Community and Development and Town Planner, and received and noted the reviewed Master Delegation Register, version October 2024.
  • Received and noted the 2024/25 Annual Plan September quarterly report.
  • Amended conditions that ratepayers must satisfy to qualify for the maximum increase cap set out in the clause 1.4a of the 2024/25 Rates Resolution and resolved to delegate powers to the General Manager to implement the updated conditions via a remission of rates, if required.
  • In the closed session portion of the Meeting, resolved to delegate authority to the General Manager to negotiate and execute new small electricity connections and public lighting electricity contracts for Council whereby the best available pricing will be attained through a market tender process conducted by the Local Government Association of Tasmania.
The recording of the Council Meeting can be downloaded here