Commissioner Wardlaw expressed his gratitude, stating, "I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the management team and employees for their unwavering support during my appointment. Operating in times of uncertainty is challenging, and the staff's professionalism and commitment to serving the community over the past eighteen months have been commendable."
Throughout his appointment, Commissioner Wardlaw emphasised the temporary nature of his role, noting, "I only needed to be here for as long as necessary. It's crucial for all communities to have local elected representation."
Reflecting on his community engagements, he added, "I have attended numerous community group meetings and events, and found the community to be welcoming, albeit sometimes apprehensive, which is natural when an outsider represents them temporarily."
The Board of Inquiry's report presented several findings and recommendations, which the Minister has addressed in accordance with the Local Government Act. Commissioner Wardlaw remarked, "The Council provided the Minister with a response to the final Board of Inquiry report on November 20, 2024, and I thank the Minister for the opportunity to respond to the findings and recommendations directly to the Board of Inquiry. This was important on grounds of procedural fairness, particularly as new issues, previously unknown to Council, were included in the report to the Minister."
He continued, "The Board of Inquiry did not find any inadequacies in the Council's operations. This aligns with my observations upon arrival. The systems and processes have been continuously improved under the current General Manager's guidance."
Commissioner Wardlaw highlighted that during his tenure, the Council maintained momentum in delivering and progressing the strategic plan directions. He stated, "Over the past eighteen months, we have made significant progress with the delivery of the 2023/24 Annual Plan and the development and progression of the 2024/25 Annual Plan. I am satisfied that I have met my obligations under the appointment to the best of my ability. The Council is now in a strong position to move forward and continue delivering the initiatives and projects that are important to the Dorset community."
As the Councillors resume their roles, they will need to collaborate with the General Manager to address the directions given and resolve any remaining issues highlighted in the report. Given the expedited process, a detailed transition of power was not feasible, so a summary report will be provided to the elected members to assist in this transition.
Commissioner Wardlaw concluded, "Despite the findings in the report, the Council has made significant progress recently, and the future for the Dorset community is promising. I encourage the Council to embrace the challenges set by the Minister and work with the community to continue the course outlined in their strategic plan."
To view the Minister for Local Governments media statement, directives and the released Dorset Board of Inquiry Report, visit the link below:
Office of Local Government - Dorset Board of Inquiry