Living in Dorset

Dorset Council provides community services based on the principles of quality, equity, value and responsiveness.

Visiting Dorset

Dorset has a unique blend of wilderness, wildlife, stunning scenery, mining heritage, secluded beaches and world class golf courses.

Contact us

  • Phone (03) 6352 6500
  • Fax (03) 6352 6509
  •  After Hours: 1300 858 824

Business community in Dorset

Dorset Council is focused on providing support to potential investors to facilitate sustainable developments large and small.

Contact us

  • Phone (03) 6352 6500
  • Fax (03) 6352 6509
  • After Hours 1300 858 824
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Health, Safety and Environmental Requirements:

The equipment, materials or services outlined in the purchase order are to be supplied in accordance with the requirements of relevant legislation, standards and codes. Council will withhold payment until corrective action is undertaken (at the suppliers expense) if the purchased goods and services do not meet these requirements.

To view Council's current Code for Tenders and Contracts, click on the link below:

Policy No. 31 - Code for Tenders and Contracts